Friday, January 14, 2011

Some Bathroom Decor

I can't remember where I found this quote. It was either somewhere on the internet or in one of my many scrapbooking quote books.

I like what it says because so many couples forget about what they promised to each other on their wedding day and they forget what that promise means to their children. It's a nice reminder sometimes. And, where I hung it, it gives you something to ponder while using the potty! I have some other quotes in mind, about marriage, that I'd like to scrap and frame. I don't know if they'll go in the bathroom or not though.

I printed on the vellum using my computer and tore it to the right size. It was a little to light so I lightly inked the back of it with some brown ink. That seemed to tone it down a little. I cut the flourish using the "Cindy Loo" cartridge. It was actually a square but I cut it in half diagonally, being careful not to cut too many flourishes off.

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